Sunday, February 7, 2010

Post #3: Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

In the last two post, we discussed the importance of not just communication, but interpersonal and intercultural communication. What better way to learn this important skill then through an example? Thus, in this week’s post, we will look at an example which shows the lack of interpersonal communication. This will further prove the point that interpersonal communication is vital in our every day lives. Besides that, we will reflect what went wrong and come up with possible solutions.

This is an example which happened during my army life. I believe that everyone who went through NS (National Service) would have faced this problem before. In the army, instructors will randomly check the trainee’s room to ensure that it is tidy and clean. However, who cleans their room every day? I shared the same room with two other guys named A and B. On a particular day, the instructor suddenly said he wanted to inspect our room. As you all would have guessed, the room was in a total mess. We were given 15 minutes (which was barely enough) to get prepared.

It so happens that during that day B has duty and will not be around to help tidy the room for inspection. But his belongings are in the room and they have to be tidied too. We began tidying the room by sorting and cleaning our own personal belongings. After we are done with our area, we moved on to B’s belongings. Somehow we managed to tidy his area reasonably. However, we did not clean his cupboard as we assumed the other person had already done so. So when the instructor came to check, we were obviously punished L.

After being punished, A and I argued that the opposite party was at fault for not cleaning the cupboard and nobody wanted to apologize and take the blame. So who is the culprit here? Is it A, B, me, the instructor or every one? Is there a way to solve this problem?


Hoang Duy said...

You have got a new structure of writing in this third post, very different from the last two.

Ending by an opening question, you made the reader surprise, I think.
About your story, I think the importance thing is not to argue who would be apologized or who would take the blame, but who will be responsible and what conclusion can we draw. What happened just happened, and we can do nothing about it. Blame others does not make you unpunished, just make you feel you are innocent, which is not. I think that after all, you and your friend should get an experience not only about preparing the room, but also about being responsible and having ability to solve conflict.
And B was punished too, right ?

Russell said...

Dear Michael,

What happened to the lock on B’s locker? Should have locked it and said no one has the lock combination. :)

Well, I think that no one is at fault here. While B should have kept his locker tidy at all times, all of you were equally guilty in not keeping your area clean. Furthermore, he was not around and thus, shouldn’t be blamed.

Both A and you are not at fault too. Both of you did your best in cleaning up the room, but it was just bad luck that none of you thought of checking B’s locker.

What could be done about your argument with A is to explain to him that it was plainly just an unlucky incident. Humor would help too. Just laugh over the incident and just remember to check the lockers the next time round. Stuff like this happens all the time in national service.


Geetika said...

hey Michael,
An interesting post. I feel it is an improvement over the last two posts.

The incident described is an apt example of interpersonal conflict.

Perhaps you could have written more on the resolution of the conflict. I like how you conclude the post. It provokes the reader's interest and makes him think.

Le Minh Duc said...

I also agree with Duy that no one here should be blamed, because it is useless to blame others while punishment is done.

In such case, personally I think you and A are totally innocent because both of you finished tidy your belongings. B is not around, so can't blame B here.

I think you and A should compromise to each other, such incidents happen everyday..

In short, your example is interesting because it makes the reader to think...

Best regards,