Monday, January 25, 2010

Post #1: Communication and teamwork: What are they to me?

Communication is a process of passing information from a messenger to a receiver through a channel. However, this process is far more complex than that. Many things could go wrong during the process of passing the message to the receiver. Thus, it is important to take note of the principles of communication to prevent misunderstanding. If I am the messenger, being clear is one of the most important principles as it allows people to understand the message I am trying to convey. Besides that, I have to give information slowly as the receiver has to take time to digest what I am trying to say. Another important factor is body language. If the receiver is showing negative body language, I will repeat again and slow down. Being the receiver, it is important to listen carefully and show the correct body language at the right time. This will allow the messenger to convey his message with greater ease. Communication is vital to me as it is necessary to communicate to understand people. Without understanding, there can be no progress as nobody can comprehend what I am trying to say.

Teamwork is cooperative work done by a group of people. Teamwork can be done by any group, but effective teamwork is something that can only be done by a team. A team is a group of people who trust each other and recognizes each other strengths and weaknesses. This allows the group to cover for their teammates’ weakness and portray the group’s strengths. Teamwork is important to me because there is a limit to the number of task you can complete alone. With the help of other people, many different and more challenging tasks can be completed within a shorter period of time.


Hoang Duy said...

I like how you write the first paragraph. It is clear and easy to understand. The main idea is expressed well and clear. I think this entry got an "C" for "coherent", you have connected your sentences very well. How you put your side to be a messenger or a receiver is greatly persuasive.
However, the second part is somehow not good. I think it's pretty short for us to understand what you are trying to convey. And if you connect the second paragraph with the first one better, I think this entry will be much better.

Geetika said...

Your definition of effective communication and teamwork is accurate. You have dealt well with the importance of the two by stating the consequences of an ineffective communication and no teamwork, which according to me is a good way to give a counter argument and convince the reader to support your idea. It is commendable that you have mentioned communication as a two way process by describing the role of a listener in an effective communication.
I think your article lacks clarity. Though the idea is coming across well, it can be made more effective by highlighting it through a real life example or quote. You need to make it a bit more realistic to leave an impact on the reader.

Russell said...

Hi Michael,

I would like to add on to your definition of communication. Communication is in fact a two way process. The receiver of the initial message is able to provide feedback to the sender. The receiver is not limited to using non-verbal gestures to provide feedback. He or she could also provide feedback by asking the speaker a question to clarify a point or even offer a rebuttal when he disagrees with the speaker.

In your second paragraph, you talked a little about teamwork. However, you neglected to mention the link between teamwork and communication. We need to be able to communicate effectively so as to work better as a team.

I agree with Geetika that your post is not very clear. You have currently lumped all the contents into two paragraphs, one on teamwork and one on communication. Your first paragraph is extremely long and consists of many points. Perhaps it would better to split it into three. Start with a paragraph on the definition on communication and then another paragraph on the things we can do to communicate more effectively. Finally, do a paragraph on the importance of communication to you. By only presenting one point in one paragraph, clarity is


Le Minh Duc said...

Your main ideas are well expressed. Especially, the way you elaborate the principle of effective communication is very complete and concise. You also note the difference between a team and a group very effectively. It is true, as you said, that while living alone is impossible, being a good communicator is essential in our life.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that your connection from communication to teamwork is not very good, you should split into 2 paragraphs clearly. Some parts is quite confused when you repeat some words; in such case, your own experience maybe a good choice.

kairen88 said...

I like how you structure your information, starting with a short introduction followed by the implications and concluding with how it relates to you. However i would suggest better paragraphing as it will help emphasizing the various points in each topic. Linking the topics of communication and teamwork might also help improve the flow and perhaps better show how the two are linked.