Sunday, April 11, 2010

Post #6 - Reflection on own teamwork and communicaton throughout CG1413 and CG1102

Throughout the semester, the tasks and projects given to me for both CG1413 and CG1102 were rather challenging but manageable. It is through these tough times that I realized the importance of teamwork and good communication. Without teamwork and communication, completion of the tasks at hand was near impossible. Thus, it is important that we master both teamwork and communication and continue to practice them not just in NUS, but in the working world as well.

For CG1413, my group decided to increase the awareness that diet change have an impact on global warming. For the success of this project, teamwork was very vital. There were many solutions that we wanted to implement and it was important to distribute the tasks at hand. Posters were to be designed, surveys to be printed and completed, interviews to be conducted and a facebook group to be created. Besides that, we decided to make displays so as to further increase the awareness level of the above topic. It was also essential that we get permission to put up our models at high traffic locations. Thus, after much discussion and evaluation, the tasks were distributed according to our group members’ strengths. I helped distribute the surveys and posters in the hall I stayed and I did all I can to help create the displays.

Communication was important too. It was essential to acquire the necessary tools to make the displays and we made sure that group members brought the required tools. We also communicated through email to decide our next meeting so that we can finish up on the displays we were creating. As I was conducting the interview, it was important for me to practice good communication with the interviewee. Communication was also essential for our oral presentation. We had to ensure that we do not repeat the points that other group members have already mentioned.

For CG1102, my group had to hand up weekly lab reports on the progress of our project. Every lab was different from the previous week and we sometimes had difficulty trying to complete the report on time. Teamwork wise, for every lab, it was essential that we distribute the work evenly and early on in the week so that everyone had time to complete their assigned tasks. Although our group managed to distribute the work evenly, we did not do that early on in the week but somewhere in the middle of the week. Thus, this resulted in some last minute work and our group burnt quite a significant amount of midnight oil. Our group communicated quite well too. We evaluated the possible solutions to the problem and decide on the final solution to the respective problem. We then split the work and went back to work on the solution. If there was any problem, we communicated through email and helped each other solve the problem.

Throughout this semester, I learnt many different skills that are priceless. Although this project has come to an end, it does not mean that I do not continue to practice good communication skills and teamwork. We must continue to practice theses skills as this will help us significantly when embarking on future projects.